Want to watch free movies online? Graboid Video is the easiest and fastest way to watch full-length videos online in full screen quality (and even high definition in many cases). They have taken all of the best features from the top video and movie streaming sites and have packed it all into an incredible package. You will have immediate access to over 150,000 movies and TV episodes, either streamed or downloaded to your PC, whichever you prefer. You NOW have a new option for viewing the videos you want, when you want them. Forget Torrents, P2P, and grainy links to sparse content. Graboid delivers a larger selection of videos, at higher speeds, at higher quality, than any other easily accessible source on the net. If you haven't already, you should try out the free version of the software ... this is not a free trial, it's a permanent free subscription! Get ready to experience the best movie and television show search engine and player available on the internet today. Getting up off the couch to go to a store that may or may not have something to watch is not lazy-friendly. Waiting a couple of days to download something off a filesharing service isn’t fun either. By then you might not be bored anymore. All you really want is a way to sit around, and when you feel like it, fire up something to watch that’s interesting, of high quality, and starts right NOW. Graboid is the answer!