The Secret
Do NOT miss this extraordinary, life-altering DVD! This ground-breaking feature length movie presentation reveals The Great Secret of the universe. It has been passed throughout the ages, traveling through centuries ... to reach you and humankind. This DVD reveals how to apply this powerful knowledge to your life in every area. This is The Secret to everything -- the secret to unlimited joy, health, money, relationships, love, youth: everything you have ever wanted. THIS SECRET IS ONE OF THE UNIVERSAL LAWS, such as gravity and other universal laws. (It is defined as truth that is valid everywhere in the universe and applies to everyone and everything, timeless and endless in all dimensions and densities within the universe.) Once you understand the simple concept explained in this DVD, just watch how this specific universal law takes effect in your own life. You’ll think you’re dreaming when you see it at work for you.
In this astonishing program are ALL the resources you will ever need to understand and live The Secret. Leading scientists, authors, and philosophers will reveal The Secret that utterly transformed the lives of every person who ever knew it such as Plato, Leonardo, Galileo, Napoleon, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Edison, Einstein and Carnegie, to name but a few. They are among the exceptional men and women who discovered The Secret. Now YOU will know The Secret. And it could change your life forever. The DVD reveals amazing real life stories and testimonials of regular people who have changed their lives in profound ways. Included are: 'Miracle Man' Morris Goodman, who tells his awe-inspiring story of how he recovered from paralysis by using The Secret. Dr. Denis Waitley, who used various aspects of The Secret in training Olympic athletes and Apollo astronauts to reach new heights of human endeavor. Doctors in the fields of medicine and quantum physics explain the science behind The Secret. The Secret teachers interviewed in the film are: John Assaraf, Michael Beckwith, John Demartini, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, James Arthur Ray, and Joe Vitale. Also Lee Brower, Marie Diamond, Mike Dooley, Bob Doyle, Hale Dwoskin, Cathy Goodman, Morris E. Goodman, John Gray, John Hagelin, Bill Harris, Esther Hicks, Ben Johnson, Loral Langemeier, Lisa Nichols, David Schirmer, Marci Shimoff, Denis Waitley, Neale Donald Walsch, and Fred Alan Wolf.
The Secret is everything you have dreamed of... and is beyond your wildest dreams. This has recently been spotlighted on the Larry King Show, Oprah, etc. It's making headlines around the world, and buzz just keeps building.
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Insider's Guide to Time Management
ebook |
This manual will teach you how to find
the time to do the things you
currently believe that you don't have the time for.
Time management is not taught in high
school, and very few colleges include it as part of their required course
studies, but it may just be the single most important life skill that you
can have.
Learn to identify the time wasters
in your surroundings and daily habits that can lead to time waste!
Time effects every aspect of your
life. Your job, your personal relationships, sleep, and the time you find
for leisure are all effected by your ability to manage your time.
Learn how to manage your precious time
and get rid of all those time-wasting habits.
This manual will be emailed to you in PDF
format when you place your order.
