It's like a scene out
of the movie Groundhog Day. Every single day it's the same thing ... you sit
down to check your email and are avalanched by a mountain of spam messages.
Wading through this massive pile is such a pain, and you're fortunate to find 2
or 3 messages in this heap from people you actually care to hear from. Not to
mention the disgusting subject lines you're forced to read just to hit the
delete button.
Wish there was a way to
cut down the flow of this annoying invasion of your personal computer? You're
about to discover three ways to not only reduce the deluge but also how you can
actually PROFIT from this junk mail and increase traffic to your website!
Four Ways
to Reduce Spam
1. Get a web-based
email account and use that address for everything you don't care about. We
love gmail the best.
This is so valuable
because you can now use it instead of your real email address any time
you have to divulge your email address to the masses -- when filling out online
forms, posting to newsgroups, etc. If you're using a web-based email service
this way, you don't ever have to be bothered with spam from this account -- just
don't check that email account. You can just forget about it ... but in a minute
I'll show you how to make it work for you while you sleep to send a message back
to each and every spammer. Now you can use your real address just when
corresponding with the people you're actually interested in hearing from. This
will significantly cut down the amount of spam in your Inbox.
2. Use the services of the
Marketing Association.
This consumer agency
will enable you to remove your name from email lists. Also from postal mailing
lists, and telemarketing lists ... all for free.
3. Get
Spam Arrest,
a 100% effective solution for blocking automated junk emails. End the
barrage of emails promising everything from lower
mortgage rates to cheap prescriptions to enhanced, enlarged or improved body
parts. Spam Arrest uses a combination of unique technology and a human touch to
defeat the exponentially increasing problem of spam. Click above to see how this
revolutionary technology will STOP ALL automated junk mail from ever
reaching your Inbox!
Click here for your
30-day free trial.
4. Ask your friends to
help you.
Change your email
address and send a tactful message to everyone in your email address book asking
them not to share your new address with anyone without your permission and not
to fill in your address on ANY online forms (such as "send this cool
webpage/joke/gag to your friends -- enter their email address here", etc.). Let
them know how crazy spam is making you and get their cooperation to cut down the
flow of junk mail. Explain how Blind Carbon Copy works and ask them to use it
any time they forward messages to you. 99% of people use an email system which
has the Bcc feature. Here's how it works:
When you use
regular Carbon Copy (Cc) or just hit "Forward", all the email addresses are
displayed for everybody to see. For example: Your friend sends a message to
you and two other people. Person #2,
forwards this message to 25 of his friends. He can now see YOUR address and
so will each of the 25 people he forwards it to. Now 27 people have your
email address. Person #3, forwards
this message to 40 of her friends, who in turn will each have your email
address, so now 68 people (total strangers) have your address. And so
on, and so on. Of course it doesn't usually stop there, because all THOSE
people will probably forward it to every Tom, Dick, and Harry in their
address books and now you can see why we're all getting so much spam ....
because the addresses end up in the hands of solicitors and other people who
are addicted to forwarding everything they get. Why would people want to do
that to their friends?? The Blind Carbon Copy feature of email programs
prevents the recipients from seeing anyone else's email address. Extending
this simple courtesy will do everyone a favor!
Your friends may
not be aware that they are contributing to your spam problem in this way. So
kindly let them know, they should be glad to help you. Share this article
with them if you'd like. And by the way, don't forget to "practice what you
Spammers Get Ahold of Your Email Address
There are several ways.
As mentioned, anytime you fill out a form online -- whether it's a newsletter
subscription, survey, request, setting up any kind of account, etc. -- your
address is almost always sold to thousands of bulk email companies who spam you with their
advertisements and who in turn will also sell your address to other companies.
Also, if you own a
website which contains your email address anywhere on it, automatic
"harvester robots" extract it from your site and it is sold to bulk
emailers. There are a few ways to outsmart these harvesters. Click
here to get scripts you can put on your site to prevent this. They are
located in the Programs & Scripts/Perl/Miscellaneous/Spam Prevention
section and are free. Another way, much easier, is to not employ clear text for
email addresses on your website. Instead, convert the characters of your address
into browser readable Unicode because currently we are not aware of any address
extractor bot capable of reverse-decoding in the Unicode standard. Click
here for details and then click on fantomas mailShield™ for instant
translation of your address into Unicode. Just insert this into the HTML of your
webpage. The result is your email address will be sorted out as
“undeliverable” by the extractor program. (By the way, it's recommended that
you place your email address in just one place on your site, perhaps on a
"Contact Us" page, rather than splattering it all over each page.)
Another way to outsmart
the harvesters is if you have a photo editing program like Paint Shop Pro or
Photoshop, just create your email address as a graphic rather than text. The
harvester robots won't be able to extract it. It's simple to put this on a white
background or whatever matches your site's background color. For example:
is a graphic image created this way.
Innovative Way to Profit from your Junk Mail
Don't you just wish you
could annoy spammers by sending THEM unwanted messages? Well, you can. And you
can do it simply and for free. All you need is an autoresponder.
This is an address which either deletes incoming mail or forwards it to an
anonymous address. Also known as an "automatic response" message, your
autoresponder automatically e-mails your predefined message back to every person
who emails you. Your hosting company may offer this service, but if not here are
some solutions:
a. Get your own free
autoresponder from
-- it's one of the best offers around. You get unlimited space to type your
message, instant delivery, access to the email addresses of senders, etc. NOTE:
If you own a business, this is a must-have because you can set up multiple
accounts and have potential customers request information from you on any
subject you want to promote. It will SKYROCKET your sales!
b. Sign up with one of
the webhosting services described below -- an autoresponder comes with your very own website.
c. Sign up with a web-based
email provider that has a Vacation or Auto Reply feature -- Gmail, Yahoo Mail,
Lycos, etc. Then you just set the dates for as long as is allowed (some sites
let you do it for 6 months, others for 2 years, etc.) and let the auto reply do
all the work. Be sure to write yourself a note to go back in and refresh the
dates after the time limit is up so it will keep going indefinitely.
If you have your own
website, this idea is even more attractive. When you set up your automatic
response message, write up an ad for your services and include the URL to your
website. The spammers who inundate you with junk mail will receive your ad! A
great way to give them a taste of their own medicine and most importantly to
generate extra traffic for your site. This little gem will work while you sleep
to announce whatever product or service you mention in that auto response
If You
Need a Website or Something to Advertise
Don't have a web
presence yet? No problem! We can help with that! We build everything from Google
Sites (no monthly fee) to online stores.
Click here to learn more.
If you have web design skills, your
first step is to get a domain name (internet address).
Google Domains --
NOTE: if you build a Google Site, getting a domain name through Google
Domains is the EASIEST way. It's integrated right into Google Sites.
Then just sign up with one of these web hosting services for a website of your own.
(P.S.: if we build your website for you, we take care of all this.) The market continues to get more and more competitive,
so some of the prices listed here may be outdated and have become even lower:

Best Web Hosting Plan!
Free domain name, UNLIMITED space, transfer, and addon/parked domains – only $3.95
or less per month! -- BlueHost has won impressive awards for their service and value (view
them on their "Awards" page.)
-- LIMITED TIME OFFER: Get $10 toward future purchases (hosting charges, etc.)
when you sign up! All you have to do is use the Promo Code "takecharge"
to get your special bonus whether signing up online or by telephone.
To build your site
yourself, you can
either use a web editing program such as Dreamweaver, Microsoft
FrontPage, OR sign up with a hosting company that has a built-in web builder
such as Weebly, SquareSpace, Wix, etc. You will need some technical skills.
Otherwise please check out our web design
services. We are constantly updating our skills so feel free to
contact us to see what we can do for you. We've advanced FAR beyond the
skills and software we had in 2001 when this Insider Secrets website was
built. (Remodeling it is too overwhelming since there are hundreds of pages
Don't have anything to
advertise? No problem!
here for some easy ways to sell online without buying anything. You'll find
more goodies to choose from than you'll know what to do with. And you can do it
with literally just one page in cyberspace. Some people earn big chunks of extra
income doing this. And don't miss THIS ... how to get 13
ready-to-move into websites with full sales content already in place to sell
informational products that have helped thousands of people to earn full-time
income online!
Click here right now
to see how to
quickly and easily add this turn-key business to your site.
According to January
figures published by
the leading online statistic authority,
over 5
BILLION people in the world regularly use the Internet (64% of
the world population).
The internet is exploding and YOU can cash in on it right now by joining
affiliate programs and making money from millions of online shoppers.
So why not get a website of your own and start marketing something?!
Spread the
If enough people knew
about these anti-spam techniques, it would not only save them a great deal of
stress, but could also irritate spammers enough to put a real dent in their efforts. So pass this article on and let's do something about this nuisance!
Spam costs Internet Service Providers and their customers millions of
dollars in costly upgrades to combat this ever- growing problem. And now with
all the poisonous viruses being sent to our Inboxes, now more than ever we need
to protect ourselves.
The URL of this article is
Pass it on! If you
have a website, feel free to create a link to this page for further exposure.
I hope these tips are
P.S. Here's a little
Get another phone number with voicemail that will come into your emailbox
but won't ring through your real number (unless you want it to.) FREE! Customize your outgoing message
too. Great way to avoid
disclosing your phone number online. Perfect for filling out forms or for using
on your website.
Google Voice
K7 Unified Messaging