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Enjoy this collection of some of
my favorite spots in cyberspace!
(please let me know if any of these need
& Noble -- save on books, music, software and gifts. Online
reviews and sound clips of music help you make the right purchases.
You can even buy Starbucks coffee
Travel for less anywhere, anytime -- even at the last minute! Hotwire
Hot-Fares and Hot-Rates get you FANTASTIC travel deals from leading
airlines, hotels and rental car companies, fast and easy. Hotwire
negotiates special deals with leading airlines, hotels, and car rental
companies -- names you know and trust. All the research is done for you.
See the savings for yourself! Check a low Hot-Fare now! |
Legends and Folklore -- before you forward email messages announcing
incredible offers, urgent alerts, etc, check this site first.
Almost every single one is really a hoax, and this will verify the
accuracy of current Internet rumors so you spare yourself the
embarrassment of forwarding bogus messages to everybody you know.
For example: "forward this message to as many people as possible
and win a free car from Honda / win $5,000 from Bill Gates and Walt
Disney, Jr." ... and of course the public panic notices about
toilet spiders, kidney thieves, etc.
Points -- get points that can be used for buying products and
services. MyPoints are earned by touring websites, signing up for
merchant offers, referrals, reading email offers, taking surveys, etc.
Choose your favorite methods. When enough points are
accumulated, cash them in for gift certificates at restaurants, gasoline
cards, movies, sports equipment, travel, and more
Remember To -- valuable
reminder service. Write your message
and specify the date you wish to receive the reminder by email
How Stuff Works
-- for the hopelessly curious. Ever wondered how popcorn pops, how
a chicken wraps the shell around the egg, what's in moth balls, how far
away the horizon is, what causes an ice cream headache, and other of
life's grand mysteries? This guy's got all the answers
Oprah.com -- you'll find
a wealth of information here, especially in the archives. Lifestyle
management, relationships, Dr. Phil, online journaling, worksheets, message
boards, newsletter, O Magazine, and lots more!
-- one-stop reference desk ... search through Webster's dictionary,
rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, translator, quotations, Bible search,
maps, online phone directories, zip codes, currency converter, and more
Screen It! --
entertainment reviews for parents and the conscientious. Detailed
preview descriptions of any content of movies, music and videos which
may be offensive; i.e.: violence, drug/alcohol use, immorality,
profanity, bad attitudes, frightening scenes, etc. Also explains
why a certain movie or video was given the rating PG, PG-13, or R
Food: Recipe File -- search their database of over 7600 recipes by
keyword or category. Got a bumper crop of tomatoes and have no
clue what to do with them? Having a backyard party and need
some grilling ideas? Get help here ... fast
Dictionary -- searchable treasure chest of medical information
Clock -- what time is it really, anyway?
The Ultimate White Pages
-- find someone's phone number and address on this multiple-search page.
Type the criteria in the first column, and the form automatically fills
out to check 6 directories at once. Also search by phone
number, or do a map or email address search
Weather Channel -- get forecasts for any U.S. or foreign city and
up-to-date weather news
or Moon Rise/Set Table -- exact times for your city. Don't
miss the moon rising if you live on the east coast of the United States
-- it's spectacular to see it rise from where ocean meets sky! Sit
on the beach and enjoy the show
Shower Page -- about 10 times per year, watch the night sky for
shooting stars. Find a dark part of town, lay on the ground
and look up. You'll be amazed at the streaks of color some of
these meteor showers produce. Collect a bunch of friends for a few
hours and shoot the breeze while the stars shoot across the sky
Guide -- wondering if The Brady Bunch is still on and when to tune
in? Search here
Landers Archive -- search for specific "advice" from her
Owner's Guide Topic List -- everything you could want to know about
man's best friend
Acme Pet
Directory - Cats -- all you ever wanted to know about our feline
-- translate words, phrases, or entire webpages into your choice of
hundreds of languages
Desktop publishing resources -- desktop publishing is all about training
and imagination. Projects that you thought were impossible are made simple
with Adobe software. Visit this site to find out how to get valuable
training in Adobe that will transform your skills.
-- personalized birth announcements, pregnancy announcements, photo birth
announcements, baby announcements, adoption announcements, birth cards, baby
cards, thank you cards for baby, twins, triplets, multiples. Same day
printing & shipping. Check out their special offer for 10 FREE cards!
Finishes -- a Florida-based company specializing in venetian stucco and
other artisan plasters to create an elegant finish on your walls, and more.
-- the best way to purchase music, movies, and gifts. You
can even earn points on purchases, hear sound clips of songs before you
buy the CD, choose to order online, etc.
Guitar Chords -- look up any chord, even an obscure one, and find a
diagram of many options of how to play it. Wish I had found this a long
time ago!
Guitar Archive (OLGA) -- search this database for any song to learn
how to play the chords. Tablatures are given for over 1,400 songs, plus
this site contains over 50 links to other tab sites. So chances are
you'll be able to find what you're looking for
-- learn to play guitar or enhance your current skill with this
innovative online learning center. Live online lessons, streaming video,
tablature, and more. Choose the exact lessons you want or purchase a
package. Get 2 free lessons just for stopping by! You don't need to read
music in order to benefit from the lessons
& Pop Lyrics -- a list of 44 sites where you can find song
The Woodrow -- a unique
handcrafted stringed instrument anyone can play with ease, whether or not you
have musical skills! Check out photos and sound clips ... I have one of these
myself, and the mastermind behind it is a friend of mine
Personality Tests: (it's fun to compare results with friends, your
spouse, etc.)
First: Keirsey
Temperament Sorter -- answer questions to determine your personality
Character Sorter -- answer questions to determine your character
... more online tests:
How Smart are You? PhD-Certified Free IQ Test
-- lots of fun tests here!
Tests, Tests -- take inventory of your personality, attitude,
emotional health, relationships, and more
BrainTainment Center
-- I.Q. tests, Memory Improvement, and lots of info about that gray
Self-Discovery Workshop
-- a 13-minute I.Q. test, exercises to improve awareness and
intelligence, huge database of self-help websites
Knowledge Quiz -- test how much you know about the world's
best-selling book. Guaranteed to prompt you to blow the
dust off your Bible and peek inside!
vacation spots:
Bermuda -- a
friendly paradise of pink beaches, coral reefs, guest houses and mopeds
Niagara Falls -- a
breathtaking adventure! The Canadian side of the falls plunges 170
feet, and on the American side, ride the Maid of the Mist boat which
cruises to the base of the falls. You'll be struck with wonder at
this marvelous creation
Azores -- an archipelago of 9 Portuguese volcanic islands located
smack in the middle of the Atlantic, rich with beauty and culture.
Sao Miguel is my favorite (ok, I'm a little biased since this is
where my entire family originated) with its Caideira das Sete
Cidades, Furnas Valley, and other unique sights
Serious stuff:
Grief, and Healing -- many valuable resources such as an honor page
where people share their grief experiences and memories, a discussion
forum, tips on healing, and how to help the bereaved
Bible Gateway
-- search for any word in the Bible, choosing from 7 different versions
and 10 languages. Also search the Bible by topic
Free Yourself --
a breakthrough discovery of how the brain works is the key to
eliminating depression, stress, emotional trauma, fatigue, and a host of
physical illnesses. Learn how to get control of your life and get
to the root causes of what makes you tick
First Look
Design Group -- they will host your website for as little as $4.95
per month. Be sure to mention that you found out about them from
our site! They host small to medium-sized business sites, Non
Profit sites, and Community Interest sites. First Look also helps you
drive traffic to your site and has numerous extra perks for Florida
The Free
HomePage Guide -- your first stop if you want to create a presence
on the Internet. Contains a very well-organized breakdown of more
than 100 free homepage providers along with a comparison chart.
Includes material in other languages
Clip Art
Searcher -- looking for an image of an orangatan for your website?
Need a really cool email button? This will help you sift through
the pile (be sure any images you select are free for public/commercial
use, though)
FREE!!! Cool Graphics -- royalty-free graphics for your home page
Links Design -- a compendium of tips on topics ranging from how to
construct your website to promotional secrets. Free images and tools for
your site are also offered
Web Site
Garage -- gives your site a diagnosis and tuneup. Discover how
it rates in terms of load time, browser compatibility, HTML design and
many other details
-- tutorials on building traffic to your website, listing of 500
submission sites, forums, and more
-- submit your website to over 100 search engines, indexes, and cool
site collections for free with just one form! Added feature:
potential to generate a little income on the side. Highly
Earn money with your website by linking to the web's top
merchants. Free access to and participation in the
affliliate programs of over 400 merchants |

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