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Finder's Fees |
Did you know you can make
a fortune just introducing buyers to sellers?
Become a "Finder" and earn exceptional fees! This is a professional industry YOU
can enter as soon as you complete the crash course I’m about to offer …
If a product or service can be sold or bought,
there is a potential Finder's Fee just waiting for a Finder with the "know-how"
to earn it. There are Finder's
Fees to be earned in every small town or big city, in every state and country.
All you need to do is match up the buyers and sellers, put them together, sit
back and collect your fees. As a Finder, you will be able to work any time and
anywhere you choose! Whether you live in Podunk or Metropolitan New York City,
you can earn constant (and sizable) Finder's Fees all year, every year. Use your
imagination and you'll soon be smiling all the way to the bank!
Your family, friends, business associates, and local merchants (as well as
people all over the nation, and around the world) can help make you a fortune --
if you know who will pay you a Finder's Fee for information you hear and see
every day.
And you can start your own Finder's Fee business for less than it would cost you
for a good meal at a fine restaurant. All you really need is a typewriter or
computer, business letterhead, a telephone, and this course:
The Easiest Money You'll Ever Make"
(by Jim Straw)
... the most comprehensive course ever written on the subject of Finder's Fees.
It covers everything (I do mean EVERYTHING) a beginner or amateur Finder needs
to know and do to earn the BIG FEES. And guess what? Most people who try to earn
Finder's Fees never get paid. They know how to “find”
things, but they don't know how to structure the deal so they walk away with
money in their pockets. This course shows you How To Get Paid
the Finder's Fees You Earn.
Why would any company pay a Finder's Fee?
There are over 320 million
people in this country, and millions of businesses (small, medium and large).
Can any business know of ALL of the sources of supply, potential buyers, or
providers of necessary services? Not on your life!
Why should a company spend thousands of dollars and tie up essential employees
to do nothing but research the existence of these suppliers, buyers, and
providers when they can easily let a Finder go to the trouble of locating the
contacts they need? Finder’s Fees are considerably less than what they would
have spent if they had done the research themselves.
You can find advertised Finder opportunities, or – better yet – create your OWN
opportunities! Finders earn their fees by weeding through the unqualified leads
and flakes … by following all of the dead-end paths … and eventually putting
their hands on a real, honest-to-goodness source, buyer, etc. THAT is what a
Finder gets paid for doing. A company or individual who pays a Finder's Fee pays
it so they won't have to chase down all of those unqualified leads, blind
alleys, and dead-ends.
It is really far easier than you might imagine. But if you don't know how to do
it (and do it right), you may chase down all the blind alleys without ever
finding a profitable match. That's what happens to most amateur finders -- a lot
of blind alleys but NO Fees!!
There are two ways you can learn to be a Professional Finder -- you can learn
the hard way by chasing down all the blind alleys (earning NO Fees) until you
get it right, wasting valuable time and energy and possibly making legal
mistakes. Or, you can...
J.F. Straw has spent over 35
years as a Finder -- gathering facts and doing the things that you need to do to
be a professional finder. Starting with a paltry $42 unemployment check, he
became a multi-millionaire. During those 35-plus years, he made every mistake
ever made by amateur finders until he learned how to do it right.
Now … you can learn from his mistakes -- and -- do it right your very first
The information in "FINDER'S FEES -- The Easiest Money You'll Ever Make"
is NOT prepared from any theory, opinion, or conjecture. It is all taken from
Straw’s own personal and practical experience. (He has earned Finder's Fees for
locating everything from a World War II bayonet for a collector to locating
buyers for oil field and other heavy equipment.) All you have to do is follow
the step-by-step, point-by-point methods outlined in this course, and you too
can soon earn your personal fortune as a Professional Finder.
You won't find any "sugar-coated" business fairy tales in this course, just the
facts that can show you how to earn fee after fee (every year) as a Professional
Straw has put everything he’s learned over the past 35-plus years into this
course. It's not just a HOW TO manual -- it is a complete, ready-to-operate
Finder's Fee business of your very own and will steer you through this unknown
land … and away from the “landmines” that could sabotage you.
This is one course that does not leave you hanging. It does not leave you asking
"what, who, where, or how." It answers all of your questions on how to become a
PROFESSIONAL FINDER. He has even included a special method so you can earn
Finder's Fees in Real Estate deals without becoming a licensed broker/agent.
Get your personal copy of "FINDER'S FEES -- The Easiest Money You'll Ever
Make"! If making "Easy Money" is your goal, this will be the best buy you
ever make. This course can be yours for just $100 … a small
amount to pay when you consider the stupendous profits you can make. Besides,
Straw’s 35+ years of experience didn't come cheap. He paid dearly with money,
time, blood, sweat and tears for what you will learn the easy way.
This is an
amazing course packed with no-nonsense advice and paint-by-number instructions
on how to earn spectacular Finder’s Fees! I’m using it myself to generate cash
and would not recommend it unless I believed in it.
J. F.
Straw is a 35+ year veteran mailorder marketer with over 700,000 customers
worldwide who has sold over $500 million dollars worth of products and services by mail. Jim Straw has written well over
books, booklets, manuals, reports, courses and articles about doing business ...
all based on his own personal, hands-on experience. His writings are specific
methods, techniques and approaches to doing business that anyone can use to
start or expand their business.
If you
really want to make a fortune ... without "selling" anything ... without
starting a business of your own ... without leaving your present job ... without
trying to expand any business you may currently operate ... in your spare time
... you need your own personal copy of "FINDER'S FEES -- The Easiest Money
You'll Ever Make."
This course contains sample scripts, sample documents, success
stories (a rich source of ideas you can imitate), and so much more. Here are
some of the power points you’ll discover in this 76-page course:
- What is a finder? (pages 1-3) |
- Finding advertised AND non-advertised Finder’s Fee opportunities
(pages 7-8) |
- Who pays your Finder’s Fee and how to double it (pages 51-53) |
- How much to charge (pages 53-54) |
- Sure-fire ways to KILL your chances of earning (getting paid) your Finder’s Fee
(pages 16, 20, 25, 41, 56) |
- The greatest success secret (page 23) |
- How to avoid legal mistakes (pages 29-32) |
- Why you’ll never earn a fee with a contract (pages 33, 58, 59) |
- The only way to get a binding legal agreement and what words to use (pages
33-38) |
- A simple tool that can become your valued friend or costly enemy (pages
40-42) |
- The one single thing that has earned Mr. Straw more Finder’s Fees than any other
… and exactly how YOU can do it (pages 43-44) |
- Fields you shouldn’t waste your time with because you’ll never earn a Finder’s
Fee (pages 44-45, 49, 50) |
- The best Finder’s Fee opportunities (pages 54-55, 58) |
- A special method that will enable you to legally earn Finder's Fees in Real
Estate deals without becoming a licensed broker/agent (pages 47-49) |
- The Ten Commandments of Finding (back cover) |
PROFITABLE method of earning Finder's Fees all the time right in your
own local area has never (ever) been written down before. As a matter of
fact, we have never even seen it mentioned in any of the materials about
Finder's Fees over the past 30 years. So, J.F. Straw created it. But he
DID NOT include it in his course. He made it a separate Special Report
entitled "FINDER'S FEES Today and Every Day!" WHY? Because he does
not want to put this information into the hands of anyone other than those
who are really and truly serious about becoming a highly paid Professional
Finder. This method is only taught in this
Special Report (nowhere else). So ... when you order your personal copy
of his complete Finder's Fee course, as a SUPER BONUS you will receive a
copy of
"FINDER'S FEES Today and Every Day!" -- fees you can START EARNING
Deadly Mistakes Made by Beginning & Amateur Finders --
This special report reveals secrets that will prepare you to enter the
field as a true professional. ("Remember, the only thing that separates
an amateur from the professionals is getting paid.")
Special 40-page ebook entitled
Maximum Profits from Minimum Ads -- The Small Businessman's Essential
Guide to Successful Advertising. It reveals
breakthrough secrets of how to turn browsers into buyers,
the psychology of persuading people to buy,
common mistakes and how to avoid them, and many more proven
tips and strategies that form the cornerstone of successful ads. Yours free with your purchase of
the Finder's Fee course on our website only!
Did you know ... one of
the RICHEST MEN IN THE WORLD started his business career as a finder and,
even today, earns millions of dollars each year in Finder's Fees?
Does the name Adnan Khashoggi ring a bell?
In a television interview,
Khashoggi was asked how he had started in business and made so much money.
Although Khashoggi was from a middle class family, he had attended school with
the sons of oil-rich sheiks. By simply listening to his school pals, he learned
whose father was looking for what and whose father had what available.
By simply matching the wants and availables of his classmates' fathers, he asked
for, and was paid, a "commission" for introducing the parties. As he grew older,
the men who had paid him commissions (and their sons with whom he had attended
school) remembered him and asked him to find more and bigger things for them --
such as Oil Field Equipment, Aircraft, Armaments, Ships, etc., paying him bigger
and bigger fees.
You can do the same thing!
How would you like to earn $75,000 per month for 5 years?
One Finder did. He saw an item in a newsletter offering 10,000 barrels of
Crude Oil per day for 5 years. Putting that seller together with a buyer at
a small refinery, he earned a fee of only 25¢ per barrel, and collected his
fee of $75,000 every month for 5 years.
How about trading less than $1 in postage and a couple hours easy work
for $100?
Not a big fee but it was so easy another Finder couldn't pass it up. Reading
a "collectors" magazine, he came across an ad seeking some college
memorabilia from a college near his home. He made some local telephone
calls, located the items wanted, created the appropriate agreement document,
and earned an easy $100.
Do Fast Food Franchises interest you?
More than one Finder makes staggering fees each year by just finding
"locations" for fast-food franchises. Others earn smaller, but consistent
fees, finding locations for Vending Machines and Coin Operated Games. It
takes some research, time, and an eye for consumer buying habits, but some
of the fees would boggle your mind.
Two Finders -- Two Fees!
One Finder had a "seller" offering a warehouse full of closeout and surplus
inventory. The other Finder had a "buyer" looking for closeout and surplus
inventory. They saw each other's listings in the same newsletter (ask me
about this amazing newsletter). After a few telephone calls and letters,
they earned over $25,000 each.
Did you know there are firms in this country who "manage"
hotels, mobile home parks, apartment buildings, etc., for the absentee
Those firms often pay substantial Finder's Fees if you can find properties
for them to manage.
Would you believe over $50,000 per year by just matching Newspaper
Classified Ads with the Telephone Book Yellow Pages?
One Finder makes that much and more each year by just matching up the wants
and availables in Newspaper Classified Ads from neighboring areas with the
Yellow Pages in his town and other Classified Ads from other newspapers. He
follows the specific advice in the course and rakes in the cash.
If you can think creatively, you might be able to pull off one like this!
A company had been trying to dump a huge volume of lead weights for ages.
They couldn't find a buyer. Then a creative Finder figured out that those
weights could be used in the commercial fishing industry. His creative
thinking was rewarded with a substantial Finder's Fee.
Television Advertising pays big bucks to Finders, too!
NO! You don't have to run any TV advertising. Just find people who need TV
advertising and connect them with TV stations who will run their ads. Of
course, first you have to strike a deal for "dead" airtime.
It would take a couple hundred pages to tell you about all of the
Finder's Fees earned in machinery and equipment deals.
As you probably know, there are literally hundreds of thousands
(if not millions) of pieces of machinery and equipment setting around, in
almost any industry you can name. Find a buyer. Earn a fee. |
The small monetary investment will pale into insignificance in no time -- you'll
see what we mean when your money starts rolling in. Quit DREAMING about being
financially independent – DO SOMETHING to become financially independent today …
like earning your personal fortune as a Professional Finder through "FINDER'S
FEES -- The Easiest Money You'll Ever Make".
REMEMBER, the information
you have used or failed to use in the past is the reason you are where you are
today. Get this powerful information and use it to create the knowledge that
will make you successful!
P. S. -- After you take this
KEEP EVERYTHING TO YOURSELF ... the fewer Finders (especially amateurs) who know
about it, the more profitable it can be for YOU! You'll see why in the course manual.
See our
other Jim Straw
products for additional inside info you've GOT to have.